Family Renewal Shelter - About FRS

Family Renewal Shelter
Quick Contact Info:
24-hour crisis line:
(253) 475-9010
National 24-hour crisis line:
Fax number:
(253) 475-0848
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More Stories of Hope
“I don’t know what to say about being able to stay at Ingeborg’s Inn (transitional house). It was a life-saver for the short time we were there. We were safe but it gave us a chance at a new life as well. We are all doing really well now. I have a full-time, permanent job, we have a beautiful apartment, my son has joined the Military and is doing well. Thanks so much for opening your home to those who need it. Domestic violence is a less devastating circumstance because Ingeborg’s Inn is there. God Bless…”
“Thanks so much for everything. You guys make it possible for people to feel like they have a home despite the fact that they’ve lost everything. Also, I really appreciate your help moving. I couldn’t have done it without you guys. I’ll never forget any of you.”
“First of all I would like to give thanks to Our Father which art in Heaven for everything he has done and given to us here on earth…Second of all I would like to thank Him for you, Family Renewal Shelter. You see, a lot of accomplishments that have happened in our lives are because of you. A lot of blessings in our lives are because of you. My children have a lot to look forward to because of you. I could go on and on and praise each and every one of you for all that you have done for my family and I. You all are a MASTERPIECE, and I just want you all to know that I appreciate everything that you do…I could never forget you.”