Family Renewal Shelter - About FRS

Family Renewal Shelter
Quick Contact Info:
24-hour crisis line:
(253) 475-9010
National 24-hour crisis line:
Fax number:
(253) 475-0848
Visita virtual
Since 1986 through our confidential shelters and programs we have offered the necessities of safety and life to domestic violence victims who are at highest risk. At first contact we do whatever it takes to get the victims and their children out of harm’s way. Besides our basic emergency services we provide an on-site technology center, survival self-defense classes, spiritual support, pet therapy, an animal kennel for victims’ pets, Cars for Families Program, educational scholarships, relocation help and transitional housing.
We have found that offering these opportunities reduces the most deadly domestic violence while bringing healing to families and hope to our next generation. This would never be possible without the wonderful and generous support over the years of thousands of our neighbors in Pierce County. As a 100% privately funded organization we depend on the many individuals, Foundations, businesses, service organizations, community groups and churches who provide volunteers and funding. Thank you! With this support we have helped thousands of women and children find safety, independence and a chance at peaceful and productive new lives.
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