Family Renewal Shelter - About FRS

Family Renewal Shelter
Quick Contact Info:
24-hour crisis line:
(253) 475-9010
National 24-hour crisis line:
Fax number:
(253) 475-0848
Visita virtual
The following are indicators to be used in making an assessment of batterer potential to kill:
- Threats of homicide or suicide. The batterer who has threatened to kill himself, his partner, the children or her relatives must be considered extremely dangerous.
- Fantasies of homicide or suicide. The more the batterer has developed a fantasy about whom, how, when and/or where to kill, the more dangerous he may be. The batterer who has previously acted out part of a homicide or suicide fantasy may be invested in killing as a viable "solution" to his problems.
- Depression. Where a batterer has been acutely depressed and sees little hope for moving beyond the depression, he may be a candidate for homicide and suicide.
- Weapons. Where a battered possesses weapons and has used them or has threatened to use them in the past in his assaults on the battered woman, the children or himself, his access to those weapons increases his potential for lethal assault.